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Click here to find dogs for adoption in kill shelter in CA (California)
California kill shelter dogs for adoption
California is the most populous state in the United States, with a population of 39.5 million. California also has more dogs in kill shelters than in any other state. This statistic is a paradox considering CA is also probably the most animal friendly state in the U.S. The California shelter system takes in about 710,000 dogs and cats each year. An estimated 100,000 of them are killed.
The vast majority of dogs killed in shelters in California are in Fresno County, Los Angeles County, San Bernardino County, Riverside County, Kern County. This includes dogs of all sizes, breed and age. Search the DogsInDanger online database for dogs in urgent need of adoption in California. The list is updated daily.
When you use the tools we provide to search CA kill shelters, you can find many dogs to choose the right one for you. On our site you'll find hundreds of dogs for adoption from kill shelters throughout California. You can also search by breed and we let you target your search by desired California zip code.

Here are some reasons to adopt your next dog from a kill shelter in CA using DogsInDanger

DogsInDanger is the only pet adoption website dedicated to saving dogs at risk of being killed in shelters.
The DogsInDanger service is free. And shelters charge a nominal adoption fee compared to pet shop prices.
We aggregate shelters throughout California, you can search for dogs in kill shelters all over the state of CA with just a few clicks.
Dogs are triaged by date so you can see who is most urgent.

Why try to find your next dog on DogsInDanger?

Look at the benefits of searching for a dog on DogsInDanger:
  • See dogs available for adoption in kill shelters across the state of California with one search on DogsInDanger.
  • Take comfort in knowing that you just saved the life of a kill shelter dog in California!
  • Lists are updated daily
  • Localize your search by using our zip code search tool.
Looking for a kill shelter dog in California, look no further than DogsInDanger. Scroll through names, photos and descriptions of dogs in urgent need of adoption. Find the right dog for your family and give that dog a second chance at life. Adoption is a lifetime commitment.

Get started NOW! Find the dog for you at a kill shelter in CA.

Dogs all over California are waiting to be saved. It just takes a few clicks and you can be united with your new family member.
Click here to find dogs for adoption in kill shelter in CA (California)